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Create a Team Profile & Adding Members

Completing a Team Profile:

Team Leads: Once your SPA Outreach Coordinator invites you to LA-HOP and creates your Team Shell, Team Leads will then need to complete the team’s profile.  

• Please go to the ‘Teams’ page, then search and select your team

• After selecting your team, click ‘Edit’. You can then fill in fields such as team name, description, SPA 

o Please be as thorough as possible, especially with the cities/regions served

o Choose all the populations and sub-populations that apply

• Complete your team profile and hit “Save”


Adding Members to a Team:

The next step to setting up your team is adding your Team Members, any other Team Leads, and assigning their roles.

• Click ‘Teams’ Tab on top right of screen

• Search for and select your Team

• Under ‘Add a User’ on the right panel, please type the user name you wish to add and click the search icon o A list of matching users will appear below the search box; once you find the user you wish to add, you will want to check the box next to this person 

• Select the appropriate role for this person (e.g., User) and then click ‘Add User’.  You will then see a green box at the bottom of the page confirming that the User was added. See ‘Step 1: Understanding Your Role’ for more information on role functions.


** If a team member is not found, it means they do not have a 现金娱乐网注册 MyOrg account.  Please contact the individual and ask them to set one up. 


Note that Team Leads and SPA Outreach Coordinators can add, delete, or change roles of their team members.  It’s very important that team profiles, users and roles are kept up-to-date.  Staff that leave a team should be deleted from a team as soon as possible.  Additions to or changes of roles within teams should also be captured per the steps above.

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